Sunday 14 February 2010


This very confiding Waxwing was feeding on berries by the bus stop along Ashburnham Way in Lowestoft/Carlton Colville. It even stayed put when a bus pulled up alongside it and people got on and off. However we stood at a sensible distance from the bird on the other side of the road and attained nice images even in the light snow. With todays optics I maintain it isnt neccessay to get really close to birds and the welfare of the bird must come first. Having said this a local photographer couldnt resist walking right up to it to try his luck from 1 metre. It flew off by the way....

Waxwings have been scarce this winter but there appears to have been a small influx in recent days presumably linked to them exhausting berry supplies further north in Europe. Lowestoft is a real hotspot for this species and flocks of up to 400 have been noted in major influx years. Always a pleasure to see.

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